Sea prunes are a favorite, while giant sea crabs are considered a delicious delicacy to those in the Northern Sea. The Water Tribes are inherently dependent upon the oceans for a majority of their natural resources and well as the bounty of the frozen tundra. Trade with the other nations is rare, as the Water Tribe does not have many items available for the purpose nor many opportunities for trade. The Water Tribe economy is small and primarily focused on sustaining the survival of the tribe. The currency of the Water Tribes is blue in color. Monk Jinpa served as head of administration at the Southern Air Temple in 296 BG before being appointed as the personal secretary of Avatar Kyoshi.
The air temples had administrative groups to handle logistics and finance when the Air Nomads were forced to deal with the material world. Industrialization was also largely neglected, as the use of airbending as their principal source of power rendered machinery and vehicles largely unnecessary.
The Air Nomads practiced subsistence agriculture, growing enough food and crafting enough of the necessary implements to sustain their own survival without the need to trade with others.